Tag Archives: What I’m Reading

Sister: A Novel by Rosamund Lupton is Crippled by Its Own Artifice

I just finished reading Sister: A Novel, by Rosamund Lupton.  The book has gotten generally very good reviews, but I found it to be a pretty big disappointment.  The book has a very specific literary device that it relies on for its structure, and I found the device to be both confusing and annoying.  This could be because I read ebooks on my iPhone, and perhaps the font was too small to pick up on the all-important quotation marks.Sister A Novel by Rosamund Lupton

The device is this: the story is told in the first person as if it is being spoken or written (it is not made clear which).  The main character, Beatrice, is speaking to her recently-deceased sister, Tess.  She is telling Tess the story of how Tess’s body was discovered, and how the police believed that she had committed suicide.  Beatrice is the only person who believes that her sister was murdered.

The novel suffers terribly from a form of past/present/future tense vertigo.  Beatrice talks to her dead sister about the distant past and the recent past in one sentence, and in the next sentence, she is speaking in her own voice in the present tense.  She “speaks” one sentence to Tess in her head, and then the next sentence is spoken aloud to another character, and the only cue that she is now actually speaking aloud is those pesky quotation marks.  If you happen to miss the begin quotations, you will find yourself reading along, thinking Beatrice is “speaking” in her head to Tess, only to realize that she is actually in a conversation with another character.  This happened to me throughout the book.

If the plot device sounds confusing or convoluted, please realize that it is even more convoluted than it sounds here.  To hold any sense of mystery, it is necessary for the story to unfold at a certain pace, and for details to come to light.  Of course, since it is being told in the past tense, it is clear that the speaker already knows the details, and is speaking to a close relative who has been murdered, and who would therefore probably know who her own murderer was, so for it to be held back as a “secret” to be revealed at the end is simply gimmicky.

And that’s not the only gimmick up Rosamund Lupton’s sleeve.  The ending of the book throws everything out the window and rewrites the entire story.  I’m not saying it’s as annoying or fake as “and then I woke up and realized it was all a dream,” but it’s awfully close.  It comes out of pretty much nowhere and makes no sense at all.  And while “Sister: A Novel” is not a traditional mystery novel, it does play on the tropes of that genre, and one of the basic tenets of successful mystery writing is to have a great ending—to wrap things up in a way that pays off on the reader’s investment in the story up to that point.  The “finish” of this book does just the opposite—it not only goes out with a whimper, the “reveal” actually makes what has come before less interesting.

I do give the author credit for taking a risk.  I appreciate the effort to do something interesting or unusual.  As my old acting teacher Shirley Kaplan would have said, “At least she tried something! At least she had an idea!”  And Rosamund Lupton did have an idea, she did try something…and she failed.  I guess that makes this an “A” for effort, but “C-“ for execution.

YA/Young Adult Novel “Daughter of Smoke and Bone” by Laini Taylor: a Review

I just started reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor last week, due mainly to the glowing review it received in Entertainment weekly. I have to say, it’s one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. It has enough teen romance (will they or won’t they/does he like me as much as I like him/has he stopped liking me?) to satisfy the legions of Twilight fans, while at the same time being a much better book.

It is the story of Karou, a young art student in Prague who has been raised by some sort of demon-like creatures called Chimaera (chimera: a hybrid of two or more creatures, such as a griffon or sphinx), and her journeys in the real, physical world of Earth and her time spent in the Elseworld where the Chimaera live. Her life is a mystery, even to her, as she doesn’t know where she came from. Her guardian and protector, Brimstone, sends her on errands all around the world to collect teeth, and although she doesn’t understand the reason he needs so many teeth, she knows that he works some sort of magic with them. In fact, she keeps a steady supply of physical “wishes” on her at all time that allow her to do things like wish her hair into a bright blue color, or even—if she could only manage to get hold of a powerful enough wish—to give herself the power of flight.

Things go awry when she happens to run into a beautiful male angel while she is on one of her teeth-gathering expeditions, and she is shocked when the angel attacks her, since she has no idea of the deep history between her friends the Chimaera and the Seraph (angels), who have been at war for centuries. Luckily, Brimstone has had her educated in many forms of offensive and defensive hand-to-hand combat, so she survives the attack, but she finds herself haunted by the questions of who the devastatingly handsome angel was, and why he attacked her on sight…and also why he stopped at the last minute, just when he was poised to kill her.

The mythos of the worlds created by Laini Taylor far surpasses the level of writing that is popular in most young adult books these days, and I would say that this book, while perhaps not thematically the best fit for adult audiences, is at least well enough written and realized that it should appeal to both adults and teens. Personally, I’m loving it. I’m currently about 80% of the way through the book, but it’s one of the rare books that I wish wouldn’t end. I’m already hoping for a sequel!